Archive for June, 2008|Monthly archive page

MTV Describes Anonymous as "Cyber-Terrorists"

“AllHipHop and SOHH, two pioneering Web sites that have been in the industry for over 10 years, are appalled by the unprovoked racist attacks of these cyber terrorists.”
— MTV Spokesperson

SOHH CEO Felicia Palmer who was personally attacked stated that the FBI is investigating this case, and that the “hackers are specifically targeting Black, Hispanic, Asian and Jewish youth who ascribe to hip-hop culture”.


Anonymous Serves a "Rick Roll" With Their Racism

According to, Anonymous are “racist pricks,” who are incapable of moving beyind the “bullshit racist language that angry sexless middle class white kids use all the time.”

That was in reference to the most recent racist attacks launched by Anonymous against various Hip-Hop websites and their members. In their own words, Anonymous explains why they targeted those specific websites:

“ (Support Screw Online Hip-Hop) is a place for gay wiggers to talk about cRap music using their native tounge of nigger language. The website has been recognized in television and print media including WIRED magazine, Seventeen, Rap Pages, The Source, Black Enterprise, ESSENCE, The New York Times, Rolling Stone, Vibe Magazine and MTV. However, Anonymous has no regard for one’s material gains or how “nannified” a racial demographic is — Anonymous only exists to destroy. This point has been made abundantly clear.”


In addition to their barrage of “satirical” racist hate propaganda, they “Rick Rolled” their victims. This is how we know that they weren’t serious about their deeply hateful slurs against Jews, Blacks, and Mexican Hip-Hop enthusiasts:

“The hackers also decided to include a soundtrack to their fuckery, and former 80s phenom/Youtube celebrity Rick Astley provided some musical accompaniment with his classic 1988 banger “Never Gonna Give You Up”. These guys are just so media savvy.”


The following video by “” uploaded a video about the attacks:

Related Articles:

Anonymous Facing Charges Of Criminal Harassment


We are sponsoring this contest to make Anonymous aware of how outsiders feel about their racist “satire”:

The Nigger Manual: Racism or Satire?

In 250 words or more, explain whether the “Nigger Manual” is satire or racism. The users of believe it is satire. Others are very offended. You may be too:

This contest is sponsored by the bloggers at The top five submissions will be voted on by the readers of

1st place: $50
2nd place $20
3rd place $10

Submit your essay to

VOTING WILL TAKE PLACE JULY 2nd –> JULY 3rd. Awards will be paid out JULY 3rd.

This Blog Saved Stu Wyatt’s Life

We prevented Stu Wyatt from going to jail. It’s really simple how it happened; we caused Stu to have second thoughts about uploading the undercover video he produced. Our post entitled  Stu Wyatt Violates Restraining Order provided just the reality check he needed.

Stu was served a restraining order on Friday, June 13, 2008 for his Anti-Scientology activities. Any infraction, he was warned, would result in his immediate arrest. Our blog focused on what we perceived to be a violation of that order–and he obviously heeded our advice and decided against uploading it.

The video in question was created on the premise that the 24 year old self-proclaimed “happy fairy hippie princess” who was sent by Stu into the org with a hidden camera would become a “Youtube Star” while providing Stu a convenient loophole around his restraining order. This is in addition to whatever other perks come along with sitting in the directors chair.  

We have no word yet on that status of the would-be Youtube Star and her thoughts on the cancellation of her debut.

“Just waiting on the final touches before I become a Youtube star!” –“Billie”

We Predicted Stu Wyatt’s Arrest
Message to Stu Wyatt

ANONYMOUS MAKES RACIST CYBER-ATTACKS AGAINST HIPHOP WEBSITES! and were the target of unprovoked attacks involving racist propaganda as reported by MTV News:

“Other websites, including AllHipHop and DatPiff[.com’s] forums have also been compromised or threatened this week. … Also, as this is an international issue, it is being addressed by the FBI and the Strategic Alliance Cyber Crime Working Group.”

It is important to keep in mind that to Anonymous, their “memes” are not racist at all. For example, the following image is, in their view, a healthy expression of free speech; they actually believe that they are “taking the venom” out of racist hate propaganda by proliferating it:

This is just one example of hundreds to be found on Anonymous’ planning website where it is explained that the “N-Word” is fine to use because:

“”Nigger” is historically a pejorative term, especially in North America, where it is used as a jocular colloquialism for any person with dark skin. This meaning is still invoked by American blacks who haven’t gotten over their victim complex and by American whites (often college professors) who bear it as part of the vast weight of postmodern liberal guilt.”

It appears that these attitudes are finally catching up with Anonymous. We can only hope that something positive emerges out of this sad, ignorant display of bigotry. In our opinion, a little public scrutiny will cause Anonymnous members to question what they are doing and maybe even accept some personal accountability by removing some of that offensive content from their websites (It would also be nice if Anonymous could ditch the pedo-cultural iconography while they were at it ).

“It appears that hackers are specifically targeting Black, Hispanic, Asian and Jewish youth who ascribe to hip-hop culture,” the statement read. “Other websites, including AllHipHop and DatPiff[.com’s] forums have also been compromised or threatened this week. … Also, as this is an international issue, it is being addressed by the FBI and the Strategic Alliance Cyber Crime Working Group.”
—-SOHH CEO Felicia Palmer

Anonymous obviously wanted more attention….and they certainly got it this time.

Whether this helps them in their coordinated attacks against organized religions remains to be seen, but somehow we doubt it.

“A group or individual going by the name “Anonymous” has claimed responsibility” and “AllHipHop and SOHH are committed to relentlessly pursuing these attackers, using every resource available, to ensure the capture of these criminals and prevention of repeat offenses.”



Anonymous Using the N-WORD
Anonymous Calling Indonesian Scientologists “HALF-MONKEYS”

Anonymous, But Not Original

Anonymous, the internet hacker cult, like to imagine themselves as a leaderless, spontaneous uprising.  This belief is only made possible by the disingenuous use of misleading adjectives to cover up their structure from the public, the media, and most importantly, from themselves.

(Anonymous worldwide Anti-Scientology protest 2008)

As we expected, the dissolution of Anonymous was ensured the moment the general membership became aware of a secret group collaborating behind the scenes to manipulate them.

What made this revelation all the more humuliating is the fact that the “Old Guard Critics” already knew about it…
………. and may have been in on it.

The illusion of a spontaneous, revolutionary, movement made possible by the internet was the only thing Anonymous really had going for it. That may sound a little harsh, but let’s face it: “world-wide” Anti-Scientology protests are nothing new.

(pre-Anonymous worldwide Anti-Scientology protest 1998)

If you read through the accounts of pre-Anonymous world-wide Anti-Scientology protests, you’ll find the same paranoia, the same picket signs, the same conspiracy theories, the same websites being advertised, the same straw men, and the same lack of results.

The “Old Guard” Critics, or as Anonymous likes to call them, “The Old Ones” originally built up the imaginary walls which today prevent Anonymous members from establishing normal relationships with Scientologists.

The “Old Guard Critics” identify themselves as such only because it adds an aire of legitimacy to their focused hatred. This designation helps them to appear as though they were in a position to “pass the torch,” so to speak.

When you watch the “Old Guard” address Anonymous, it can be very convincing that something of value, some hard won wisdom, is actually being transmitted from one generation to the next.

Of course, we are calling bullshit on that notion. In reality, what the “Old Guard” critics have to offer more closely resembles a virus than a torch. And while it may not be deadly, it is contagious and will remain with most Anonymous members for the rest of their lives.


Soft Sell Bigotry
The Leaders of Anonymous’ Current Hate Campaign
Anonymous: The Cult Of Majority

Who Runs Anonymous? Part 4 of 4

Marblecake is the name of a secretive cabal working behind the scenes to guide the actions of Anonymous. Marblecake is planning to reveal itself to the general membership of the internet hacker cult, as announced on

SOURCE: Who is Marblecake?


Who Runs Anonymous? Part 1 of 4
Who Runs Anonymous? Part 2 of 4
Who Runs Anonymous? Part 3 of 4

Yet ANOTHER Anonymous Phone Harassment Raid

In the thread “$cilons are always happy, here’s why” at, Anonymous member “Mickturate” has planned a phone harassment raid against the Wealden House Life Improvement Centre.

Although their website does say “To find out more about the services we offer here at Wealden House Life Improvement Centre for you and your family and friends, please call ***-*****_***** or reply email with any questions!” we do not believe that they want the kinds of phone calls Anonymous is known to make (Obscene Phone Calls By Anonymous).

Therefore, we notified the Wealden House Life Improvement Centre so that“Mickturate” and his Anonymous cronies won’t catch them by suprise:

Tom Newton

Anonymous Divided Over

As impartial bloggers, we have no intention of adding to the drama and or downfall of The poll we just added (on the right) is to guage how Anonymous feels now that their trusted planning website has made a mockery of everything they believe in. For example, has not only established an “SP” list for the moderators to use, but they ban and delete so many posts that many Anonymous members don’t see the point in making the effort any longer.

The following are comments are just randomly selected examples of Anonymous voicing their discontent. The entire thread (linked below) drags on for over eleven pages:

“Critics get banned and their criticisms get locked and deleted? And here I was thinking I was being quite polite and rational. O___O Maybe this is a new rule I missed. Aren’t we supposed to question things we think aren’t right?”–

“I’m fairly new and I’d like to just say, seems like this place sucks. Good job guise.”

“Welp, I’m enraged.

Fuck you, Enturbulation. If there’s no consensus of the masses, this is not Anonymous. I withdraw my support of this site.”
–Obligatory Toast

“What the fuck is wrong with!? … It is the virtual equivalent of a traffic jam turning into a gridlock. ..”—Jeff_Wells

“If I am banned for trying to at least have this discussion in the open and rationally, so be it. I think I’ve put in my time and enough effort into this movement to at least be given the benefit of the doubt and the ability to discuss my thoughts with the rest of Anonymous.” —

SOURCE: Dear Enturbulation

Related Posts:

Enturbulation Undermines Anonymous In Every Way Commits CLICK FRAUD
Other Anonymous Website

Anonymous Phone Harassment

This snippet documents how they succeeded in shutting down their target’s phone system for 20 minutes. The full article is linked below:


Apparently, Anonymous has never deviated from their original, criminal methodologies.

You may read more of what the Anonymous braggarts have to say about this admitted criminal collaboration at


Teenage Anons Sexually Harass Scientologists Via Telephone