Anonymous’ Pedo-Culture is Spreading

ANONYMOUS’ plan to spread Pedophile Culture and normalize the rape of children has been formally announced to the world thanks to the Oprah Winfrey Show.

Even before their internet-based attacks against members of the Church of Scientology Anonymous was been spreading images of the child rapist known as “Pedo-bear.” Now, they have issued a collective threat to use “9000 penises” to engage in child molestation on a massive scale:

Dance remixes such as this are being created at an alarming rate, threatening to reduce Pedo-Bear into some kind of Internet joke, and not the perversion he truly represents:

If people take Anonymous’ claims seriously–that “Pedo-bear” is a joke and that Pedophilia is something to cherish–then it’s just a matter of time until we see images like these appearing on lunch boxes and t-shirts:

It makes me wonder: why do we let these perverts get away with it?

I can accept that they hate religion; that is their right. I do not, however, have to accept their disgusting low-life pedophile trash. At this point, it wouldn’t suprise me one bit if they started sexualizing corpses next. To perverts like these, a HOLE is just a HOLE.

Tom Newton

86 comments so far

  1. Anonymous on

    We Are Anonymous We Are LegionWe Do Not ForgiveWe Do Not Foget Expect Us!

  2. Naknei on

    <>Tom it is a web troll<>“If people take Anonymous’ claims seriously–that “Pedo-bear” is a joke and that Pedophilia is something to cherish–then it’s just a matter of time until we see images like these appearing on lunch boxes and t-shirts”<>If it is not a joke then what is it?<>“Dance remixes such as this are being created at an alarming rate, threatening to reduce Pedo-Bear into some kind of Internet joke,and not the perversion he truly represents”<>It is an internet joke! It is an adult joke! A 18+ joke people should not take this seriously.<>“Even before their internet-based attacks against members of the Church of Scientology Anonymous was been spreading images of the child rapist known as “Pedo-bear.” Now, they have issued a collective threat to use “9000 penises” to engage in child molestation on a massive scale”<>Wow, you took this seriously. You are just going nuts with some guy trying to get Oprah to say “over 9000 penises”.I almost expected you to go to the extreme and call for murder of the protesters to save our children.Tom I think you need help. get a job and do something with your self<>Nakneilol I did it backwards

  3. Anonymous on

    <>Naknei,You are a PEDOCULTURE Apologist.What’s next? Condoms in elementary schools? Maybe a PedoPhile-Anti-Defamation-League?And why does my disdain for Pedophiles cause you to label me as an unemployed nutter?Tom Newton<>

  4. Anonymous on

    “It makes me wonder: why do we let these perverts get away with it? I can accept that they hate religion; that is their right. I do not, however, have to accept their disgusting low-life pedophile trash. At this point, it wouldn’t suprise me one bit if they started sexualizing corpses next. To perverts like these, a HOLE is just a HOLE.”ROTFL!!!!!Pedos beware!!(brb….I have to go find a HOLE)

  5. Anonymous on

    “It makes me wonder: why do we let these perverts get away with it? I can accept that they hate religion; that is their right. I do not, however, have to accept their disgusting low-life pedophile trash. At this point, it wouldn’t suprise me one bit if they started sexualizing corpses next. To perverts like these, a HOLE is just a HOLE.”ROTFL!!!!!Pedos beware!!(brb….I have to go find a HOLE)

  6. Naknei on

    <>what makes you call me a PEDOCULTURE Apologist. It is an adult joke making fun of pedophilia not encouraging itTom you are just an extremist<>Naknei

  7. Tom Newton on

    <>Naknei,Are jokes about killing Jews making fun of anti-Semiticism or encouraging it?It depends upon context I suppose, but to me, CHILD PORN is CHILD PORN “real” of “fake” as both are utilized by offenders…The fake stuff is used to fish for customers. YOU are actually helping PERVERTS everywhere by encouraging it.I’m not calling YOU a pervert Naknei, even if you are gay. I am simply calling you a PEDO-ENABLING FOOL for supporting Anonymous’ SMUT-FEST, SMEARING THE FACE OF AMERICA WITH THEIR ILLEGAL FILTH.Tom Newton<>

  8. Anonymous on


  9. Anonymous on

    Tom loves looking for CP first thing every morning. ‘sup, cyberstalking pedo?

  10. Anonymous on

    What’s your opinion about the depiction and glorification of murder and crime in movies like “Pulp Fiction”, “Natural Born Killers” or just the everyday american TV program, Tom?

  11. Tom Newton on

    <> I don’t watch television. It’s an outmoded medium for people who don’t like to do too much thinking on their own. They need network programmers to select their content. But my opinions about those shows are specific to each one–I won’t generalize and lump “Natural Born Killers” and “Pulp Fiction” into the same catagory. I’m not a simpleton. There is a massive difference between ART and SMUT. It relates to context and intent–and is obvious to anyone with a brain. People who shit on canvas and call it “art” or who celebrate child pornography as “satire” have no business formulating opinions about such matters. Their opinions usually amount to rationalizations anyway. Tom Newton<>

  12. Naknei on

    <>No wonder you are stupid, education is an outmoded medium for people who don’t like to do too much thinking on their own.<>Naknei

  13. Tom Newton on

    <>Naknei,Why do you defend Pedophilia as though it were an art form? Are you a liberal?Tom Newton<>

  14. Anonymous on

    No one is defending pedophilia.You weren’t even attacking pedophilia.

  15. Naknei on

    <>I don’t defend pedophilia as though it were an art form, I defend free expression.People can tell jokes if they want to even if you disprove of the subject.Making fun of pedophiles is legal and hard to find offending when in an 18 + crowd.You, however, call it fake child porn used to get customers.Making fun of customers. Any sane person would call BS on a photoshopped clip from AFV to make people buy CP.You know you are lying, scapegoating and stalking a group just because you a a bigot and hate the fact they don’t like Sicentology.<>Naknei

  16. Anonymous on

    <>If people take Anonymous’ claims seriously–that “Pedo-bear” is a joke and that Pedophilia is something to cherish<>You can joke about something and still detest it. Joking about a terrible act robs the people that would commit such a terrible act of their power to influence. It takes the power away from the terrorists and into the hands of people who think rationally.Did Mel Brooks’ great comedy Blazing Saddles encourage racism or did it mock those holding those offensive viewpoints? I think it’s clear the latter is true. Did Chris Morisses Brass Eye encourage people to cherish paedophilia? No, it mocked the hysteria that has grown up around such a terrible crime. You are pretending to be offended Tom because it suits you. You know what you say is not true and yet you say it anyway as an appeal to hysteria, a form of psychological warfare if you will. Trying to induce a moral panic against a group because there is no logical reason for the general public to have a problem with them shows how desparate you are, that you would fabricate such a hideous lie is a true sign of how much you know the truth that Anonymous is providing to the public harms the ability of your fruity little club to exploit the innocent. Shame on you, you pathetic freak.

  17. Anonymous on

    Lol Tom, keep ballot stuffing, nothing that happens here will have any effect on the staus of enturbulation.

  18. Anonymous on

    Hmmm…Necrophilia…BRB Digging your grandma’s grave.

  19. Anonymous on

    “HOLE is just a HOLE.”Sounds more like Tom Cruise than Tom Newton

  20. Tom Newton on

    “Trying to induce a moral panic against a group because there is no logical reason for the general public to have a problem with them “<>I think the general public HATES THE HELL OUT OF SMUT LIKE THAT WHICH ANONYMOUS PROLIFERATES ON MY INTERNET………Tom Newton<>

  21. Anonymous on

    <>MY INTERNET<>Thanks for demonstrating your hatred of freedom for the nth time. You first demonstrated your disdain for democracy when you criticized anonymous voting, now this. One of the foundations of a democracy is the freedom to express. There is a vocal minority which has a problem with this but they are the minority. Most understand that they have no business trying to manipulate something as basic as humour. A classic example of this is when the 2001 special of Brass Eye aired. People with a personal agenda decried it, saying it encouraged paedophilia, causing a snowball effect with people who hadn’t even seen it condemming it. Fortunately most were smart enough to see that satire actually robbed the paedophiles of their power to shock and allowed us to address the problem rationally. People like you love irrational thinking Tom because of the hate you can stir up within it. Unfortunately for you this is not a method that can be used to persuade the vast majority of the general public to listen to you. Almost everyone sees your tabloid trash for what it is right off the mark, the rest see it eventually.Your hate and lie filled little blog is doomed to failure.

  22. Anonymous on

    Why do you hate America and freedom, Tom?

  23. Anonymous on

    I didnt write this but everytime this point comes up you seem to ignore it so I’m going to repost it.You can joke about something and still detest it. Joking about a terrible act robs the people that would commit such a terrible act of their power to influence. It takes the power away from the terrorists and into the hands of people who think rationally.Did Mel Brooks’ great comedy Blazing Saddles encourage racism or did it mock those holding those offensive viewpoints? I think it’s clear the latter is true. Did Chris Morisses Brass Eye encourage people to cherish paedophilia? No, it mocked the hysteria that has grown up around such a terrible crime.You are pretending to be offended Tom because it suits you. You know what you say is not true and yet you say it anyway as an appeal to hysteria, a form of psychological warfare if you will. Trying to induce a moral panic against a group because there is no logical reason for the general public to have a problem with them shows how desparate you are, that you would fabricate such a hideous lie is a true sign of how much you know the truth that Anonymous is providing to the public harms the ability of your fruity little club to exploit the innocent. Shame on you, you pathetic freak.

  24. Anonymous on

    also how many times did you vote on your poll? 😉Because in terms of comments, i’ve only seen one or 2 that actually defend you :p

  25. Yuri on

    Hello,I am an avid reader of your blog and i share your opinion about this hategroup, Tom.It is a shame, that these people are allowed to spread their trash all over the internet. Something should be done about it. I have released a video statement on YouTube, detailling a plan to get the issue known to the competent authorities and take action.< HREF="" REL="nofollow">video statement<>Keep up the good work, Tom!Yuri Hatoro

  26. Anonymous on

    ^Nice Try Tom

  27. Anonymous on

    ^Click the link and don’t blame Tom for everything 😎

  28. Tom Newton on

    <>I am trying to get a law passed to make Anonymous members sub-human.This will make it legal to execute Anonymous members with out trial or reason.<>Tom Newton

  29. Anonymous on

    ^^fell for a troll

  30. Anonymous on

    “I am trying to get a law passed to make Anonymous members sub-human.This will make it legal to execute Anonymous members with out trial or reason.”Wow Tom what is next prison camps for the innocent people to be killed

  31. Tom Newton on

    <>Anonymous members are not people. They must be eliminated NOW!! Anonymous is a danger to all mankind. It must be done, Anonymous members only make up 2% of the population, man kind must survive1<>Tom Newton

  32. Anonymous on

    “Anonymous members are not people. They must be eliminated NOW!! Anonymous is a danger to all mankind. It must be done, Anonymous members only make up 2% of the population, man kind must survive1”tom you need help you are become delusional you are promoting genocide. Go to your doctor and get checked out you must be sick.

  33. Tom Newton on

    "tom you need help you are become delusional you are promoting genocide. Go to your doctor and get checked out you must be sick."strog>How dare you tell me to go to the psychiatrists. They will cut my brain apart and make me a slave. DIE IN HELL ANONYMOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!/strong

  34. Anonymous on

    OMG Tom Newton’s ragelevel is OVER 9000!!

  35. Anonymous on

    WHAT 9000!?

  36. Anonymous on

    Come on Tom. Start taking your medication again before you climb a clock tower.

  37. Tom Newton on

    “Anonymous said… Come on Tom. Start taking your medication again before you climb a clock tower.”<>You don’t have to worry about that; I am afraid of heights.Tom Newton<>

  38. Anonymous on

    ^It’s funny, Tom doesn’t deny that he might go on a shooting spree, he just denies the location. You’re a freedom hating terrorist Tom.

  39. Tom Newton on

    <>^It’s funny. Anonymous don’t deny promulgating child porn related imagery…they only deny that they aren’t “serious” about it..Tom Newton<>

  40. Anonymous on

    ^Your point is? ‘Child porn related’ is a very broad and inaccurate description. You are using loaded word to describe satire, deliberately misleading people in your quest to attack people with valid criticisms and concerns. What is so wrong with mocking people that commit these terrible crimes? Normally a person is not ridiculed because they have done something great and don’t deserve to be made fun of. What is it that makes you think that these criminals should be so free from mockery Tom, why do you feel that actual paedophiles are such great people that they should not be made fun of?

  41. Tom Newton on


  42. Anonymous on

    ^Anonymous does not go around raping children.

  43. Anonymous on

    <>THEN MAKE FUN OF PEDOPHILES; DON’T ACT LIKE THEM.<>The greatest way to truly demolish the dignity of a person is to impersonate them, Anonymous is not breaking the law, they are not hurting children, what they are doing is satirising the terrible crimes of people to open them up to wider ridicule.I’d like you to look at a picture Tom: is Charlie Chaplin, one of the greatest comedians who ever lived in his movie, The Great Dicator. He saw that Nazism posed a threat to world freedom and he also saw that many Americans were scared to openly mock the Nazis, because they didn’t want to be seen to be joking about a group which was comitting such awful crimes. By impersonating the Nazis he opened them up to wider ridicule. If you think for a second Anonymous satirising paedophiles is a sign that they support it then you are calling Charlie Chaplin a Nazi by the same logic. You know you’re wrong Tom, admit it.

  44. Tom Newton on

    <>Explain PEDOBEAR to your mother.Then come back and tell me it’s satire. Loser.Tom Newton<>

  45. Tom Newton on

    <>Explain PEDOBEAR to your mother.Then come back and tell me it’s satire. Loser.Tom Newton<>

  46. Anonymous on

    <>Explain PEDOBEAR to your mother.Then come back and tell me it’s satire. Loser.<>People were offended when The Great Dictator came out too (In fact Charlie Chaplin was told repeatedly by his studio not to release it, but he did so because, as he said “Hitler must be laughed at”). People were offended by Chris Morisses brass eye. Both allowed the rational discussion of terrible issues through comedy. People like you actually enable these terrible crimes to happen, by simply decrying them and brushing them under the rug you allow the people to get away with it, or is that what you want Tom, people to be able to molest children because those around them will think ‘it can’t happen round here’?

  47. Anonymous on

    “People were offended when The Great Dictator came out too (In fact Charlie Chaplin was told repeatedly by his studio not to release it, but he did so because, as he said “Hitler must be laughed at”). People were offended by Chris Morisses brass eye. Both allowed the rational discussion of terrible issues through comedy. People like you actually enable these terrible crimes to happen, by simply decrying them and brushing them under the rug you allow the people to get away with it, or is that what you want Tom, people to be able to molest children because those around them will think ‘it can’t happen round here’?”<>I don’t think that was the best explanation. I think pedo bear is how Anonymous sees internet pedophile (not the molesters).<>

  48. Anonymous on

    Pedobear is black humour.From wikipedia:<>Black comedy, also known as black humor or dark comedy, is a sub-genre of comedy and satire where topics and events that are usually regarded as <>taboo<> (such as death, <>rape<>, murder, extra marital affair, human annihilation or domestic violence) are treated in a satirical or humorous manner.<>

  49. Anonymous on

    Could also classified as off-color humour:<>Other off-color topics include: violence, particularly domestic abuse; excessive swearing or profanity; “toilet humor”; national superiority or inferiority, dead baby jokes, <>pedophilic content<>, and any other topics generally considered impolite or indecent. Generally, the point of off-color humor is to induce laughter by evoking a feeling of shock and surprise in the comedian’s audience. In this way, “blue” humor is related to other forms of postmodern humor, such as the anti-joke.<>

  50. Anonymous on

    Lol at Toms continued ballot stuffing. It doesn’t matter Tom, even if you prevented anyone but you voting and stuffed the ballot you would have no effect on enturbulation.

  51. Anonymous on

    <>I can accept that they hate religion; that is their right.<>Anonymous does not hate religion, they hate the exploitation of humanity by a group that has disguised its extortion as a religion.

  52. Crystalfrost Jones on

    I’m glad Oprah is speaking out against these dangerous Anonymous pedophiles. (Not surprisingly, of course, I’m already seeing people on the anti-Scientology conspiracy sites like “Enturbulation” deciding now that since Oprah is speaking out against them, <>Oprah must secretly be a Scientologist herself.<> That’s just how far gone these paranoid nutcases’ minds are!)

  53. Anonymous on

    ^ nice try, Tom.Get lost. You stupid Scilons have to shill your own pathetic. We SPIT on your orgs and BURN your books. Hell, I’ll even pisss in a mail slot if the mood suits me..WE ARE ANONYMOUSWE ARE LEGIONEXPECT US!

  54. Naknei on

    <>^ I think that is someone else. less kill them all underscore on this persons blog. Plus they said they are in Scientology. This person is probably not in OSA. I personally hope they post on the blog.if they are a Scientology member and not in OSA post Lisa Mcpherson on the blog and they can never go on that site again.<>Naknei

  55. Naknei on

    “Get lost. You stupid Scilons have to shill your own pathetic. We SPIT on your orgs and BURN your books. Hell, I’ll even pisss in a mail slot if the mood suits me..”<>This is not how the Anonymous talk Tom.Looks like black ops tom. 😦<>

  56. Anonymous on

    I guess you didn’t notice…but Pedo-bear <>IS<> on T-shirts and lunchboxes. Backpacks too. I want a t-shirt one but I don’t think my family would get the joke so that makes it kinda pointless… Oh well, Tom, please go sexually harass a goat like that farmer in Iraq that CNN covered a few years ago. Then your true colors will be exposed…ewwwww.

  57. Anonymous on

    “I don’t watch television. It’s an outmoded medium for people who don’t like to do too much thinking on their own. They need network programmers to select their content. “Then how did you watch Oprah on the date it aired? And since the film is obviously made using a handheld camera of the TV… doesn’t that mean that YOU did it? Especially since you claimed responsiblity. I know this is a poor point but I think it helps show how loony you are.Tom Newton… <>STOP RAPING SMALL CHILDREN!!!<>

  58. Anonymous on

    “I’m not a simpleton.”Yes you are.

  59. Anonymous on

    I don’t think you’ve noticed Tom, but when you create a puppet account to post support for yourself, you really should give them a blog of their own…especially when they say stuff like “I’ve posted on my blog and youtube a video of my ideas” (or whatever). Because when we click on the link, we expect to actually see their blog to watch their video. Instead it says that the blog doesn’t exist.I agree with myself above, you are are simpleton.]P.S. I love you Chris Matthews!P.S.S. I love me too Chris Matthews!P.S.S.S. Hey this is Chris Matthews! I love your show Chris Mattews!P.S.S.S.S Thanks Chris Matthews, I love my show too! This is Chris Mattews!



  61. Anonymous on

    Meh. Tom is just an ‘astroturfer’. I bet he’s voting for ‘Uh-bama’, too.

  62. Anonymous on
  63. Anonymous on

    ^Nice try Tom.

  64. Naknei on

    WTF I did not start that.

  65. Anonymous on

    ^ Nice try, Tom.

  66. Anonymous on

    ^Nice try Tom.🙂

  67. Anonymous on

    <>WTF I did not start that.<>Source from that<>href=”″<>Your profile number:15031132302202281993at the very least the person who posted “WTF I did not start that” created this blog.

  68. Naknei on

    OK, Someone is using my my name? looks like someone dose not like me.

  69. Naknei on

    “This is not an attack of any kindScientology has been killing the homeless in New YorkYHBTIt is true”it was a troll lol.

  70. Anonymous on

    <>OK, Someone is using my my name? looks like someone dose not like me.<>Person that posted this:Profile ID:07132440580893934830<>it was a troll lol.<>Profile ID :15031132302202281993Looks like you’ve got an impersonator naknei

  71. Anonymous on

    Where’s Tom gone? Perhaps the RPF has claimed another victim.

  72. Anonymous on

    Ooooh nooooes….How many times has tom newton been kidnapped by the RPF because of us.Tisk TiskAnd he just keeps doing their dirty work.

  73. Anonymous on

    Tom Newton908 Ruthven StreetHouston, Texas 77019Phone: 281.748.8596thomasanewton@earthlink.netLogin Profile Expertise in the design of identities, brands, advertising, posters and brochures.Clients served have included Texas Children's Hospital, Knowledge Systems, Stewart Title, Texas Bar Foundation, Questia Media, American Homestar, Methodist Hospital, San Jacinto Methodist, Dupont Powder Coating, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Baker-Jackson Nissan, Children's Learning Institute, Southwestern Brick Council, Living Water International, MPR, One Minute Manicure, Wallace/Halpin, Trafficware, 10K Tumble, First State Bank, Newmark Homes, Alexander & Baldwin, Dailey, Integrated Orthopaedics, Hines, Farb and Greystone Group, among many others.My work has been recognized by Communication Arts magazine, the New York Art Directors Club, Print magazine, Creativity'94, AAF 10th District, International Association of Business Communicators, Typography International Association, the Art Directors Club of Houston, the Art Directors Club of New Orleans, the Houston Advertising Federation and the Dallas Society of Visual Communications. I graduated from Lamar University with a BS in Art in fall of 1981. I've served on the Board of Directors of the Art Directors Club of Houston and the Heights Exchange Club. And have taught design courses at North Harris County College and the Art Institute of Houston.

  74. Anonymous.Akuma on

    Contact Tom Newton908 Ruthven StreetHouston, Texas 77019Phone: 281.748.8596thomasanewton@earthlink.netLogin Profile Expertise in the design of identities, brands, advertising, posters and brochures.Clients served have included Texas Children's Hospital, Knowledge Systems, Stewart Title, Texas Bar Foundation, Questia Media, American Homestar, Methodist Hospital, San Jacinto Methodist, Dupont Powder Coating, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, Baker-Jackson Nissan, Children's Learning Institute, Southwestern Brick Council, Living Water International, MPR, One Minute Manicure, Wallace/Halpin, Trafficware, 10K Tumble, First State Bank, Newmark Homes, Alexander & Baldwin, Dailey, Integrated Orthopaedics, Hines, Farb and Greystone Group, among many others.My work has been recognized by Communication Arts magazine, the New York Art Directors Club, Print magazine, Creativity'94, AAF 10th District, International Association of Business Communicators, Typography International Association, the Art Directors Club of Houston, the Art Directors Club of New Orleans, the Houston Advertising Federation and the Dallas Society of Visual Communications. I graduated from Lamar University with a BS in Art in fall of 1981. I've served on the Board of Directors of the Art Directors Club of Houston and the Heights Exchange Club. And have taught design courses at North Harris County College and the Art Institute of Houston.

  75. Anonymous on

    This almost seems like an over-elaborate joke. If not…you seriously need help. Get those scientology doctors who treated Lisa McPherson…they should be able to help. Look what they did for her

  76. mark tomles on

    “Tom is pursuing other projects.”Sure, I bet he just dropped his replies here for other projects. Anyways, you ask a very loaded question about the pedo bear. If it was a satirical joke that mocks pedophiles, but all my kids saw was a funny bear, I’d be fine. You, on the other hand, seem to be looking for ammo.No matter. Apparently, one person dresses up as a bear, and Tom’s team has a field day. please tell me, how can you pin this on an entire group, without a clear structure authorizing it? When the two Scions protested illegaly at someone’s private residence, do you accept that as a crime of the entire CoS? Or do you have a double standard?

  77. Bruce Burhans on

    < HREF=",9171,883543,00.html" REL="nofollow">,9171,883543,00.html<>

  78. Anonymous on

    Boy, you really enjoy these things don’t you? This article has nothing to do with “anon” or Scientology, but you still felt the need to post it. What attracted you to the article? The part about parents undressing in front of children? “Yes, the whole family should undress together.” That’s sick, man, seriously.

  79. Anonymous on

    What Tom and the other hateboard staff don’t want you to consider is that the pedobear is a *chan invention- boards in which people post anonymously. Because one (or more) member(s) happen to be both anonymous poster and opponents of the cult, Tom latches on that coincidence to try and make a point. Ever hear of correlation is not causation? Probably not. It’s not one of the lines that Hubbard stole.So, officially, for all those that protest the cult, that’s not our bear.

  80. Anonymous on

    Funny thing here…Anonymous, the group that protests Scientology, doesn’t post these videos, the *chans do.So, between the anti-scion anons and the scions themselves, the scions are the ones to repost and share these videos.I think we found their fetish.

  81. Anonymous on

    ^ Lol to above. This reminds me of the scientology plants on alt.religion.scientology. They spend so much time trying to find stories of rape, sodomy, murder, abuse, etc and post that stuff, rather than actually address legitimate issues. It’s sick, how they must jump with joy when they find a picture of a little girl being chased by a rapist. I wonder what seeking these things out must do to someone? Like Nietzsche said, “When you stare into the abyss the abyss stares back at you”. These people are seriously warped from seeking sexual elements for so long. They must dwell on it… The images that come up must stay with them… And they do this in the name of their “religion”

  82. Anonymous on

    Tom exhibits what Eckhart Tolle describes as revelation of the “pain body”. that is why he preaches intolerance and spews obscenity as he pronounces condemnation on them. it is why we are drawn to his troll lure. he has backed himself into a mirrored corner, and needs only to turn around.Nietzsche also said, one who fights monsters, must be careful not to become a monster.i’ve checked him out before. it’s amazing how identical his behavior is to what he condemns. he even closes a slippery slope argument that Anon behavior will lead to Nazism, by saying “…better watch your back.” the cowardly normalization of violence, through thinly veiled threats, is the essence of a slippery slope towards Romper Stomper.Tom’s sickness is so complete, it is almost elegant. such a depiction could only be the true shattered remains of a former man, or a masterpiece of satire from a fellow Anon.

  83. Anonymous on

    anonymous uses faulty logic and speaks only in pre-packaged memes

  84. Anonymous on

    anonymous uses faulty logic and speaks only in pre-packaged memes

  85. Bruce Burhans on

    “Tom’s sickness is so complete, it is almost elegant. such a depiction could only be the true shattered remains of a former man, or a masterpiece of satire from a fellow Anon.”<>Note how they insist that they truly believe that I am sick. IT is a necessary illusion, for if they knew the truth about themselves, it would crush them. Most perverted creeps think that THEY are teh normal ones.<>Bruce

  86. Anonymous on

    they? i think your sick, or just a piece of satire.i’m the one who wrote, you’re personifying an anonymous body of people, seeing multiple inputs as one source, and you’ve got this idea of sexual perverts.for all you you know, the anon you call a perv, could be a well balance person who helps people. you regard anon like nazis regarded jews. you have no idea what kind of person wrote that you are ‘sick’, but then base your argument off of personal knowledge.if i am not a pervert, then the argument is empty. since it is impossible to know if i am a perv, your assertion is impossible.the epistemic barrier is what makes Anon so cool. instead of posturing and making baseless statements, Anons are forced to deal strictly in content.bruce, tom, anon… whatever. it’s all just text and ideas.the ‘tom’ comes across as sick because it’s like a prolonged Freudian slip(another reason i think it might be a joke). while not appearing as a closet ped, ‘tom’ becomes everything he espouses against. ‘tom’ promotes, and practices, gross negative generalizations about a very diverse group, even hinting that violence would be ok against this hated group.most people would call it the chicken-shit shit dooshbaggery of a neo-nazi armchair general. i call it sickness, because there is a cure. it’s called going outside, and interacting with people. it’s easy to hate an abstraction.

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