Professional Anti-Scientologist and Anonymous leader Mark Bunker (below) continues to spread cruel rumors about the late Jett Travolta’s tragic death:

In his latest blog entry, he endorsed the following video, which was put together by members of the hategroup Anonymous. The video cites the somewhat controversial opinions of L. Ron Hubbard regarding epilepsy–opinions which were expressed over 30 years ago–as evidence that the Travolta’s neglected their child’s medical condition:

Pathetically, Mark Bunker now censors and screens all incoming comments. For some reason, this supposed “free speech advocate” is afraid of what I might say in front of his “fans”. This only makes me want to try harder…


The more I research this guy, the more I see him for what he is: a professional bigot. And while his present Anti-Scientology campaign seems to be paying off, it’s not the only religion he’s after.

What most Anonymous members don’t know about Mark Bunker is his history of anti-religion extremism. In March of 2007, Bunker began a one man crusade to persecute Bob Larson, the founding pastor of Spiritual Freedom Churches International, Inc. Evidently, Bunker failed to stop Bob Larson from spreading his message, just as he will fail to stop me from spreading mine…

Tom Newton

30 comments so far

  1. Anonymous on’s the scary part:<>Ellen and Donald Perkins were devout Scientologists. As a result, they were opposed to teachings of psychiatry and use of antipsychotic medications. Mrs. Perkins was a staunch advocate in the use of vitamins, herbs and nutritional supplements. In August of 2002, Mr. Perkins began to eat alone, as he felt his mother was poisoning him. He soon stopped eating altogether. He stopped showering, shaving, and brushing his teeth. He believed cars that were driving by were trying to kill him and that trees were talking to him. He also began sleeping in the living room, near his parents’ bedroom, as he felt aliens were in the ceiling of his bedroom.In October 2002, his parents instead took him to be evaluated by Dr. Maulfair (DO), a Scientologist himself. He informed them that Mr. Perkins was suffering from schizophrenia, caused by a “yeast infection of the intestine.” Dr. Maulfair also informed them that Jeremy was suffering from heavy metal poisoning. He prescribed several vitamins and herbal supplements for Mr. Perkins to take on a daily basis. Ellen Perkins added clay to some of the capsules in the belief that this would remove toxins.<>Jeremy tragically murdered his parents as a result of delusions caused by him being taken off his desperately needed medication.

  2. TOM NEWTON on

    <>He murdered his parents because he was a crazy fuck. Vulture.Tom Newton<>

  3. MC Hammer on

    Keep the lulz rollin’ Tommy.MC

  4. Anonymous on

    <>He murdered his parents because he was a crazy fuck. Vulture.<>Funny how it could’ve been prevented if they would’ve got the proper meds. Crazy fuck and Scientologist go together like peanut butter and jelly.

  5. Anonymous on

    <>He murdered his parents because he was a crazy fuck. Vulture.<>So, you’re saying that an easily preventable murder is excusable? I didn’t realise educating people about the dangers of a cult of death made me a vulture.

  6. Anonymous on

    <>opinions which were expressed over 30 years ago<>In Scientology that doesn’t matter. The words of LRH are tech, dismissing some is called squirrelling and though Mr Miscavige is as fond of it as you are it still goes against the teachings of Scientology.

  7. Anonymous on

    <>just as he will fail to stop me from spreading mine<>see:<>Sorry, the blog at has been removed. This address is not available for new blogs.<>

  8. TOM NEWTON on

    <>What is quoted from Hubbard does not contradict what Tommy Davis’ statement. I don’t see that it really said anything one way or the other. It didn’t say “you must tell him to come off drugs”, it said, “And then you come along as an auditor and you try to audit the pc and you tell the pc that he’ll have to go off that drug”. That’s a comment about what another person might do, not a directive of what action to take.The best proof that Scientology does not forbid the use of drugs for the treatment of seizure is the affidavit of Tory Christman, that can easily be found by googling – “Tory Christman” affidavit 2003. Though this affidavit was initially made to accuse Scientology of putting people off from their medication, it ends up proving the exact contrary. Christman spent 30 years online and on staff, doing almost the complete Scientology “Bridge”, while taking her anti-seizure medicine in full view and knowledge of all. Requests by unqualified staff that she stops taking them have been systematically over-ruled by proper Church of Scientology authorities, and by L. Ron Hubbard himself!“Keeping Scientology Working” refers to the exact application of the Scientology tech. It does not mean that one should take everything Hubbard said in any of his 1084 works and thousands of comments literally. This is just a misunderstanding/misrepresentation on the part of critics. By understanding/presenting the KSW policy in this manner, critics appear to be more fanatical/literal than Scientologists themselves.Taking people off from anti-seizure drugs is not part of the standard Scientology procedure. The policy that applies here is the one telling people that if they have a medical condition, they should follow the doctor’s advises first. When their condition is under control, then they can proceed on the Bridge to Total Freedom. This is beautifully illustrated on Tory Christman’s affidavit itself.<>

  9. Anonymous on

    <>The best proof that Scientology does not forbid the use of drugs for the treatment of seizure is the affidavit of Tory Christman, that can easily be found by googling – “Tory Christman” affidavit 2003. <>Or the tragic case of Jeremy Perkins. Forced off his medication by scientologists and driven to the point where he murdered his parents. Shame on any organisation that would tell people that vitamins are a better treatment for schizophrenia than anti schizophrenic mediction

  10. Anonymous on

    “He murdered his parents because he was a crazy fuck. Vulture.”And his condition was being kept effectively controlled by the appropriate medication until Scientology came along and denied him this essential treatment. That you could so callously and viciously deny this shows what contempt you have for human life. You deserve nothing.

  11. TOM NEWTON on

    “That you could so callously and viciously deny this shows what contempt you have for human life. You deserve nothing”<>Vulture.<>Tom Newton

  12. Anonymous on

    <>Vulture.<>That’s right Tom, because if I’m not then your cult is dangerous and sinister and that’s just unthinkable. Keep that systematic lie alive in your mind but no matter how much you believe it, it won’t be true. Why are you so terrified of the truth?

  13. TOM NEWTON on

    “Anonymous said… Vulture.That’s right Tom, because if I’m not then your cult is dangerous and sinister and that’s just unthinkable.”<>So you admit are a vulture….. Preying on people while they are under emotional duress like this reveals just how ethical you “critics” really are. You are pathetic and you have no point. You will not win because there is nothing to win. Anonymous and all the other Anti-Religion nutcases are going nowhere..Mark Bunker will die and Scientology will still be here. Get over it. SCAPEGOATING only fools the gullible (Anonymous). The rest of the world knows that the “critics” are themselves fanatics. Most people don’t care what others believe. As far as I am concerned, Anonymous is merely a hate based band wagon with a Tom Cruise obsession; an “Anti-Tom Cruise Fan Club” if you will.Tom Newton <>

  14. Anonymous on

    The claim is repeatedly being made that Scientology considers sick people as degraded being. Yet, I have never seen this being documented. Care to do so?Hubbard quote on epilepsy – already addressed above.Gobbledygook. Hubbard only says that there’s a lot of jargon, incomprehensible for the layman.As for Depakote, Scientology is only against its use when aimed at mental disorders, not physical symptoms. Seizure is a physical symptom, and using drugs to address its effect is in line with Church policy that medical conditions should be treated with the prevalent medical state of the art, be it Depakote or otherwise. That CCHR is against its use for mental condition is irrelevant. This does not preclude the belief in Scientology that the spiritual causes at the basis of these medical symptoms should also be addressed.

  15. Anonymous on the picture behind “Anonymous Preaches Death to America” Reading the article reveals even further that anonymous has nothing to do with this.Why does the truth terrify you so much Tom?

  16. Anonymous on

    “<>Forced<> off his medication by scientologists and <>driven<> to the point where he murdered his parents.”“And his condition was being kept effectively controlled by the appropriate medication until Scientology came along and <>denied<> him this essential treatment.”you are fucking stupid.All the people that are listed on whyaretheydead died, because they were stupid and not because Scientology killed them.

  17. Naknei on

    Tom that is some hard evidence the Scientology is for taking people off their medication.Anonymous backs up what is says, Tom you just call them names and say they are lying without evidences of a fabrication.

  18. Naknei on

    “SCAPEGOATING”You are the one guilty of “SCAPEGOATING” Tom you have blamed Anonymous (a group of peaceful protesters) for every major internet crime this year WITH NO EVIDENCE. As I said above Anonymous backs up its clams so it is not “SCAPEGOATING”

  19. CrazyDelaney on

    I think Bob Larson is an idiot too. Did you know there are Christians who have problems with what Bob Larson does? Are they anti-Christian? Nice one Mr. I’m Not a Scientologist But Toe their Party Line like I Am One? You must really want some free services at the org or something Tom. 😛 By the way.. your propaganda broadcasts on YouTube are hilarious.

  20. Anonymous on

    Cody Delano (Bodyxpolitic), Tehbigtoaster, and ebaumsworld are the haters behind the attacks on your churches staff and members.Cody Delano (Bodyxpolitic aka Advocate for Painful Death) is the leader of Anonymous and is the one who made the bomb threats and also participated in the attacks that shut down the church of scientology website and caused as much as 7000 dollars in damage. he also is the one who is threatening jeff stone and his familuTehbigtoaster is the one who hacked palins email account.its time to send them all Cease and Desist letters. or better yet, arrest them

  21. XENU TV on

    Hey, Tom, feel free to comment on my blog whenever you like. I never have censored you there.And I like how making conman Bob Larson uncomfortable on the day he visited my town is viewed by you as an anti-christian crusade.Good one.

  22. Anonymous on

    Tommy Davis is a liar and betraying KSW.Tommy Davis is a liar and betraying KSW.Tommy Davis is a liar and betraying KSW.Repeat x9000

  23. Anonymous on

    “Mark Bunker now censors and screens all incoming comments.”Umm, you do that Tom, Mark doesn’t.

  24. Tom on

    ” Anonymous said… “Mark Bunker now censors and screens all incoming comments.”Umm, you do that Tom, Mark doesn’t.January 11, 2009 4:52 PM“<>Mark had the old blog removed.Tom<>

  25. Anonymous on

    Quoting the old blog was fun it will be missed.R.I.P. evidence of Tom’s lies and slander

  26. XENU TV on

    What old blog did I supposedly get rid of? And don’t you find it difficult to make your points while blatantly lying?

  27. Anonymous on

    tom newton is a dumbass.go suck a fuck

  28. Anonymous on

    Gentlemen,We are fucking sick of the continuous misuse of Anonymous. Project Chanology will be used in reverse, yes you read that right, it will be used against every single moralfaggot, until they learn the lesson not to fuck with Anonymous. They are a bunch of fucktards wannabe heroes. The moralfaggots have been under the thumb of the old guard to this very day. The wrath of Anonymous will be upon them. Start finding your name. If your name is not listed its not because we don’t know it. We just want you to be glued to your computer screen chewing your nails every day to see if your name appears on our Internets. It won’t be just your name everything else about you and connected to you will be made public. Anonymous took on scientology for the lulz. It wasn’t meant to be a fucking long prank. We had our lulz, we moved on. We took down is getting inoculated with its very own anti-cancer cure.We has WWP DB, and we have moar.Do you think socal anon have a secret surprise that will be announced on 17 January? We know your doo dah plan and we will be there with you to fuck you up like you have never been fucked up before. That’s just a taste of what we are doing for the socal cocksuckers. Other wannabe anon will get a different type of medicine for their cancer on January 17th.Anonymous delivers. *long list of names”

  29. Anonymous on

    Gentlemen,We are fucking sick of the continuous misuse of Anonymous. Project Chanology will be used in reverse, yes you read that right, it will be used against every single moralfaggot, until they learn the lesson not to fuck with Anonymous. They are a bunch of fucktards wannabe heroes. The moralfaggots have been under the thumb of the old guard to this very day. The wrath of Anonymous will be upon them. Start finding your name. If your name is not listed its not because we don’t know it. We just want you to be glued to your computer screen chewing your nails every day to see if your name appears on our Internets. It won’t be just your name everything else about you and connected to you will be made public. Anonymous took on scientology for the lulz. It wasn’t meant to be a fucking long prank. We had our lulz, we moved on. We took down is getting inoculated with its very own anti-cancer cure.We has WWP DB, and we have moar.Do you think socal anon have a secret surprise that will be announced on 17 January? We know your doo dah plan and we will be there with you to fuck you up like you have never been fucked up before. That’s just a taste of what we are doing for the socal cocksuckers. Other wannabe anon will get a different type of medicine for their cancer on January 17th.Anonymous delivers. *long list of names”

  30. Anonymous on

    Wow…< HREF="" REL="nofollow">Tory Magoo is going crazy<>

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